Closing gaps in care

Papa’s Star Enhancement program is built around well-defined objectives the company has proven it can impact and directly attribute to its program. Through this program, Papa drives foundational activities for Medicare Advantage members by removing barriers to access, like lack of reliable transportation; identifying and scheduling appointments with in-network providers; coordinating in-home assessments; and more. Supported activities include:

  • Annual wellness visits and in-home assessments to establish and maintain a clear baseline of each members’ health status and condition
  • Health immunizations, such as annual flu vaccines
  • Preventive and disease-specific screenings, such as cancer screenings and diabetic eye exams, to manage chronic conditions

A proven solution

When just a 1% improvement can make the difference in reaching the next Star measure threshold, every closed care gap matters. Papa’s CMS Star Rating improvement program drives results, often beyond what care management teams can achieve alone.

Advancing primary care


increase in primary care visits among socially isolated Medicare Advantage members who took one or more Papa visit(s)

Closing care gaps


increase in composite care gap compliance rate for rural members with a diabetes- or hypertension-related open Star measure care gap

Facilitating home health visits


of previously difficult-to-engage members successfully scheduled for home health visits in a national outreach campaign

Boosting preventive care


increase in breast cancer screening rate for Medicare Advantage members who took one or more Papa visit(s) compared to matched non-Papa members

Interested in Papa for your members?

Do you work for a health plan and are interested in offering Papa to your members?
Want to learn more about how our Star Enhancement impact program can work for you? Let’s chat!

*Papa presently does not provide services directly to individual consumers. Please be aware that responses to this form submission are intended solely for inquiries from health plan organizations. Any other inquiries will not receive a response.